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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hulk Hogan vs. Cocoa Pebbles

So, here I am wondering what I am going to shake my rattle at today, when quite an interesting story pops up on my news feed...

Now once you have stopped judging me for having an aol news feel, actually check out the article. Hulk Hogan is suing Post Cereal, because according to him they have used his likeness and harmed his image.

Has Hulk looked in the mirror lately? Frankly I think he has more to worry about than Post Cereal harming his image. The man's a frickin' professional wrestler; there's no coming back from that. Not even Dwayne Johnson can escape the moniker "The Rock," and yes I can still smell what he's cookin.' Besides they don't use Hogan's trademark du-rag, and it isn't the Hulk without a du-rag. It also isn't characteristic for Hulk Hogan to not rip his shirt off, and as you can tell - there was no ripping of the shirt by Mr. Hulk Boulder.

If they were modeling their character after his image, they were obviously modeling him after a Hulk Hogan that is quickly fading from the cultural conscious - a Hulk that didn't look quite so much like a clay-mation special, one that wore colors other than black (Apparently Mr. Hogan has entered his Johnny Cash phase), and one who wasn't too cool to let a children's cereal pay homage to him by naming a character "Hulk Boulder" in a cartoon commercial.

Oh, and how is anyone supposed to know that he ever went by "Hulk Boulder" before he became Hulk Hogan? I have news for Terry Bollea: nobody cares! Just like nobody cares that I wanted to change my name to Wisconsin in the seventh grade. It was before he was relevant. Besides, shouldn't he be happy if they used his likeness? It's not like he is relevant now. It could have been some free publicity.

Why is he suing anyway? Doesn't he have enough? In 2008, during his divorce, he was valued somewhere between 26 and 34 million dollars. Does someone with that much money really need to worry about Post Cereal? It's already the red-headed stepchild of cereal companies. It's sales already trail billions of dollars behind its competitors General Mills and Kellogg’s. Why go sue it now? My thoughts, maybe Post should sue Mr. Hogan for harming its image, or maybe Mr. Hogan should just clothesline Post - then slap it on the ass and grab a beer.

Or maybe we should put a stop to frivolous lawsuits. Just a thought...

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