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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Zac Efron, Michael Phelps, and Bieber Fever Alarms

If my dreams are any indication of reality, the zombie Apocalypse is imminent, Aliens (of the Sigourney Weaver type) truly exist, Michael Phelps is my arch nemesis, and Zac Efron and I are besties. The last one is a new invention and it came about two nights ago. In my dream, I was working on a new film with Zac Efron as the main star. It was a sci-fi picture, something with loads of technology and aliens (not of the Sigourney Weaver type). I had been hired to work on this special costume prop for Zac that had to mold to his body. This is where the dream really kicked in. I was called onto set to help remove the mold from his body, and while I was on set they decided to cast me as the bad guy opposite him in the picture. I know I wasn't the original hire, but they liked me, and I already knew how to dismantle the body mold (which took place in a very climatic scene.) I had to press against Zac's body and rip off layers of this costume downward leaving him bare-chested with his dimpling pecs and abs gleaming in the midday sun.

After we finished filming that scene, Zac and I left set to rehearse. We went to a local rehearsal hall, where a nice girl gave me a copy of the script. The script she gave me, however, was Little Shop of Horrors. As day progressed into evening, I learned that I would be playing Audrey II in a revival of the play starring opposite Zac Efron as Seymour. For those unfamiliar with Little Shop, Audrey II is a giant man-eating plant from outer space. The actor that portrays Audrey II is hidden inside a giant puppet that general takes several puppeteers to control. I had to plead for the part however, in front of the entire company, and promise the director - Lavinia Hart (I worked with Lavinia in Detroit, when I designed the Michigan Premier of Sarah Ruhl's Eurydice) that I would make her even more proud of Little Shop than I made her with Eurydice.

Where does this new Zac Efron fixation come from? I blame my newly found TV addiction, and the previews for his new movie: Charlie St. Cloud. When he takes that stance to throw that baseball (the movie is not about baseball, but his character plays catch with his dead brother), he is very sexy. Normally I don't think of Zac as an adult, because of High School Musical, but truthfully he is 22. That is still young for me though, and besides the one moment of pressing against each other in the scene - the dream wasn't suggestive. So apparently in my subconscious, Zac and I are besties...

A similar thing happened during the 2008 Summer Olympics - except instead of Zac Efron, Michael Phelps dominated my dreams. I would be swimming - or doing anything - in a competition like the Olympics. Out of the blue Michael Phelps would come out of no-where and beat me. I would still win Gold, because of my stellar performance, but Michael Phelps would take Platinum. (The Olympic committee had to make a new medal scale, because he was so awesome.) It should be noted that Michael Phelps was the only one who could be issued Platinum. Gold was still the highest for any event not involving Michael Phelps.

I have never really been athletic. I did play soccer for a while, but my heart was never really in it. I guess it was not really the lack of athletic skill, but the lack of interest that kept me from really playing sports. I'm just not into pain, and you have to at least be marginally okay with pain to play most sports. The Olympics, however, really brought out my love of swimming. I found myself always wanting to swim, and truthfully I would have been a fairly decent competitive swimmer if I had ever wanted to be. I have the body of a swimmer (not Michael Phelps - his body is that of a beast), but I have powerful legs, a lean body, and can move through water very quickly. Learning to swim was a challenge because I was afraid of water, but once I learned, I was practically a fish. My father decided to inform me that if I had chosen differently, it was possible that I could have been there competing alongside Michael Phelps; I probably wouldn't have been as good as Michael, but I could have been Olympic worthy.

I'm not sure I would ever have been Olympic worthy; I think I would have been good. My father based his opinions on watching me swim in my brothers' mother-in-law's pool every summer, my body build, and the occasional trip to the beach or lake. Those are hardly the standards Olympic greatness is built upon, but never-the-less his speculations provided some interesting source material for dream-time.

In non-dream related news, my alarm system went off in Birmingham this morning. I am still in SC - over 5 hours away from my apartment - and I have no control, so when I received the phone call from ADT, I really began to worry. The police were called, but were informed by the property management (in a separate phone call not) to come. Maintenance had set off the alarm delivering a new kitchen drawer. The thought had crossed my mind that it was maintenance, but they know there is an alarm in my apartment. They have it in their work orders to call me and arrange a time to come in, so they don't set off the alarm, but apparently they don't read. I'm also not the only person in the complex with an alarm system, so you think they'd be accustomed to this by now. Apparently not...

The Westboro Baptist Chuch has come down with Bieber Fever! Apparently Justin Bieber is the latest person arousing the wrath of the Kansas based hate group. The group picketed his recent concert in Kansas City, because Bieber (this is a real quote):

"has a platform given to him by God to speak to this world; he has a duty to teach obedience by his actions and words. He refuses to do that because he knows his concert halls would be empty! So, he teaches you to sin and rebel against God's commandments."

Who knew that a 16 year old Canadian could be leading everyone to Hell? I mean really his music isn't that annoying.

Westboro would do anything to get attention. If the group is good at one thing, it is keeping its name in the media spotlight. Bieber has chosen thus far not to acknowledge the group, which is probably for the best. Anger enough 13 year old girls and Westboro's going to be shanked after gym class.

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